"Simply Teaching the Bible Simply"

A Caring Church Family

Every church has its strong areas. Sure Foundation has at least two. First, a visitor will quickly sense the warmth and friendliness of the congregation. Greetings and conversation flow easily from this multi-racial church that has fallen in love with Jesus Christ. There is a “family” feel and with it comes ample opportunity to get involved in its various ministries and Bible Studies. You will not find any spiritual superstars here, only ordinary people seeking to learn and live the Christian faith.

Bible Centered

Sure Foundation is also strong in the Word of God. We are bound only to the Bible. The end of every matter is what God’s Word says about it. Sunday sermons are more like Bible Studies as the Scripture is explained while each Bible is open. We simply teach the Bible simply, believing, proclaiming, and abiding by what the Bible says – no more and no less. Feel free to join us!

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November 13, 2023
In Daniel 10:14 the Lord is speaking to the prophet, saying to him: “Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days for the vision refers to days yet to come.” He was speaking about the Israelites, but it is ever, so applicable to you & me. For without a vision in life, you lack the compass that can give you meaningful direction, especially in those trials we all inevitably face.  As the Lord said to Daniel his vision would be focused on the future, and so it should be for us. Otherwise, there is only real peril for anyone, but especially believers, because as P. K. Bernard puts it: “A man without a vision is a man without a future, and a man without a future will always return to his past.” We’re simply not called to live in the past. Instead it’s the end-game that we should always be focused on. Jesus had his ups & downs, heartaches & disappointments, culminating with his death on the cross, but he never lost sight of His visionary mission. I believe the take-away lesson for us is that while there are many circumstances & trials that come into and that leave our lives, they all should be encompassed by a singular vision. And it’s a vision that enables us to see all earthly pain & discomfort from a different perspective. In short, trials can be key in giving one’s life, real meaning & purpose. We need only the right vision
November 13, 2023
Sure Foundation Church met for the last time March 15th when the edict was no more than 50 people due in an effort to contain COVID19 spread. On that day we enjoyed a time of especially sweet worship and fellowship, little did we realize that would sustain us temporarily as things changed rapidly.  That same week, the edict changed from 50 to 10 and only our small groups met midweek adhering to the social distancing suggestions. Though there was much communication via email/text messaging we did not meet the following 3 weeks for our Sunday meeting. Instead we each sought the Lord, dove into the word and prayer, like Mary sat at Jesus' feet. It was a much needed time of quiet reflection, seeking wisdom from the Lord HImself as we approached Scripture in the midst of the rapidly changing situation before us. April 3rd through 5th we had mini test runs on ZOOM. Time of study and sharing what God had been showing each of us through all this. Good Friday was our first formal ZOOM meeting with Resurrection Sunday to follow. Though very different, God is good all the time! He brought us together and added a few distant friends during our time together. Good to see some familiar faces that had moved away. God has prepared us for this very moment, He miraculously provided for us before and has been faithful during. He is Sovereignly working through all these things as the church comes together and uses every opportunity to be a light in an ever changing, uncertain world. He has prepared us 'for such a time as this' church. To God be the Glory!
November 13, 2023
Sunday May 31st, 2020 we came back together in person for a special time of prayer to see what the Lord would have us do. The following Sunday June 6th we began in person worship. Our first Sunday back was a blessed time outside on a perfect day, we brought our lawn chairs and have met ever since both in person and via ZOOM (by invitation). Hebrews 10:25 was our motivation to regather, "Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as ou see the Day approaching. We have attempted to do this while remembering Romans 12:10, "Love one with brotherly affection (as members of one family), giving precedence and showing honor to one another". Though far from perfect we continue to strive to honor God and man in all things.
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